By Paramatma Dasi
Wednesday, February 25th at the Aula Magna of Bhaktivedanta Study Centre, took place the first lesson of the course “How to project and make your dreams come true”, held by Shriman Matsyavatara Prabhu, CSB Founder and President.
The man of today, centred on pragmatism and exteriosity, seems not to have any time left to dream. Dreaming, poetry, creativity are activities which take time away from concrete things, the ones which really matter. Nevertheless behind the concreteness of the world we run after, there is no comprehension of the subtle and more important dynamics that hide unseen. We should give the right consideration to our inner dynamics because desires, ideas, thoughts and dreams are the basis of physichal events that will show in our life later on.
Although while talking about dreams, we usually think of an unreal or even evanescent world, we should reconsider the reality of dreaming from a different point of view, which is the way to convert dreams into reality. Transfering dreams from a sensitive dimension to an empirical dimension is a kind of alchemy - Matsyavatara Prabhu explained - this alchemy may be possible if we learn to dream by making projects. Dreaming and projectuality: are they in contrast with each other? Of course not, even more, they need to be tightly joined if we want our dreams to descend from a platonic world of ideas and become part of our reality.
Dreaming is persecuted by a killer that can wear differen masks: fear. Although fear is but a ghost of the mind, it may ruin the life of many people, in a concrete way, by making them withdraw, abstain from the activation of personal projects, foresee dreadful consequences, for istance, critic, desertion, solitude, desease or others.
The person inhibited by fear becomes mediocre, insecure or unproductive, and cannot realize dreams.
In order to prevent the sabotation of our dreams because of fear, we have to intensify our desire, to light it up, to make it intense, vibrating and match it to our perception of feeling. In this way it is possible to activate energies able to make all that we desire come true.
Dreaming with your eyes wide open is possible and it works efficiently, with the help of an active vizualization, visualizing the way we would like to live, who to live with and how.
A vibrant meditation focused on our ideal model will enable us, with time, to bring us where we would like to be.
This practical and involving lesson, carried on naturally with a stimulating exchange of questions and answers, in the meanwhilel other themes were developed like illusionary dreams and dreams our mind will be able to realize, sharing a dream for two and join the same life style, how to overcome fear and transform reality by adopting the right process.
The whole event with the projection of images, the explanations, the exchange of thoughts between the speaker and the public, and the dessert in the end, offered to all the participants a very pleasant and interesting evening, rich of teachings. By joining the ancient tradition of the Veda and modern psychology, they create solid and working basis to start feeding our strongest dreams and our deeper instances.
Further details and explanations will be given in the second lesson, on Wednesday March 4th, at the main office of CSB at 8,30 PM
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