By Paramatma Dasi
Wednesday, March 11th, at the Aula Magna of Centro Studi Bhaktivedanta Foundation, Shriman Matsyavatara Prabhu held the second session of his course titled “How to Project and Make your Dreams come true”.
By briefly going back to the topics discussed in the previous session, the speaker continued and further developed this theme that is complex and determinant for everyone’s life. It is essential to understand, as it is stated in the Upanishads, that what we become is in accordance with what we desire. People’s minds and hearts – Shriman Matsyavatara Prabhu explained – are filled with images that work against them and fulfil their negative prophecies. The psychic structure, in fact, does not distinguish if the person is dreaming, thinking, fearing with his eyes open or shut, rather it elaborates images that pass through the mind and “lay out a plan” according to them.
Automated, rigorous and repetitious thoughts clip the wings of creativity and planning and of the capability of dreaming and realizing ones dreams. Trust, faith and mainly fervent devotion, on the contrary, produce serenity, courage and Love for God’s Creation and His Creatures.
Our fears may be justified (with an objective cause), or unjustified. In the latter case they are often due to indecision, doubts and habits that are trigged in the individual behaviour. Such fears induce the subject to create alibis to hang on to, favouring the development of psychophysical illnesses and most of all, obstructing the realization of dreams.
As already explained in the first session, even constructive day dreaming needs planning. However, it is not enough. Priority is another fundamental ingredient. Too many dreams, maybe even in contradiction with each other, cannot be planned at the same time. If we did so, we would only feel deprived of our energies and we would not obtain what we desire. A dream which has good chances to become reality should be well defined, have an evolutionary orientation and a plan for realization, which can be integrated on the way. The engine power, in any case, consists of intensive desire. If desire is weak and lukewarm, even the less relevant obstacles will prevail.
In this occasion, as in the previous one, the time spent entertaining questions and answers was very intense, and became an opportunity to develop relevant topics. Among the discussed and developed subjects were: taking advantage of failures to start a new journey with more clearness and vitality, unconscious fears, dreams, karma and divine willpower, wishing for dreams realization and pessimism, states of consciousness and reality levels, and at last, the variable influence of the planets on human beings.
The evening finished with a happy ending, a delicious dessert, and with the proposal to meet at the next appointment on Wednesday, March 18th at the same place, at 8,30 PM, for the third and last session of this course.
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