sober person who can tolerate the urge to speak, the mind's demands,
the flashes of anger and the urges of the tongue, belly and genitals
is really qualified to educate the disciples all over the world”
Nectar of Instruction” (Upadeshamrita) Verse 1
Vedic Rishis (the wise’ seers’ of the Vedas) were not only
mystic poets, they were experts of the deep knowledge of the mind;
these sages widely observed and experimented all the psychic functions of
the human being. The rishis could clearly see that the so-called
spontaneousness of the human being with the ordinary level of
consciousness is just a satisfaction of the conditionings, imposed by
one's mind; therefore, in an ultimate analysis, it is the exact
opposite of a free, healthy and spontaneous attitude. In order to
make free decisions without being affected by conditionings and
attachments, a person has to conquer the six urges mentioned above.
then a progressive realization of the Self will take place, so that the individual will be able to reach the pure feeling of Love for God.
In order to overcome obstacles and to achieve high levels of
awareness, one should proceed with a harmonious transformation of
personality, along with well pondered choices. Such choices are the result
of wisely coordinated and constant efforts, so as to allow the passage
from human understanding of things to the spiritual awareness and
protection, until a complete development of the most elevated
qualities of the Soul.
we learn to re-direct passionate egoistic feelings and emotions
towards spiritual goals, they will enhance a propensity to inner
evolution and will lead to a supreme bliss of Bhakti and Love in freedom.